Course Description

This is an Audio Version of the 33 Cameo's Introduced into the CE Edition of A Course in Miracles, Published by The Circle of Atonement 2017. This is not an official site of The Circle of Atonement and is provided for your enjoyment and pleasure.

Non Dual Teacher

Bill Free

Bill is Co-Founder of the Teachers of God Foundation. “He loves the teachings of A Course in Miracles, He follows Advaita Master Moojibaba  in His pointings to Truth through Self Inquiry and Rupert Spira’s Teachings through Non Duality as The Direct path. Bill loves to facilitate guided meditations and He enjoys many other Great Masters of  Self Realization, The I Am Awareness and investigation that reveals our idenity in God and Christ Consciousness. Bill also offers a weekly radio show and podcast called, Bill Free's Pure Presence Book Club aired on Unity FM Radio and itunes and available to sign up at

Course curriculum

  • 1

    CAMEO 1 "This is Not a Selfish Gift"

    • Cameo 1 - This is Not a Selfish Gift - Audio

  • 2

    CAMEO 2 "My Strength Will Support You"

    • Cameo 2 
“My Strength Will Support You” Audio

  • 3

    Cameo 3 - "You must love the Children and Help Them"

    • Cameo 3 "You must love the Children and help them"

  • 4

    Cameo 4 - "An Example of The Shock Effect"

    • Cameo 4 - "An Example of The Shock Effect" . Audio

  • 5

    Cameo 5 - The Shield Report

    • Cameo 5 The Shield Report - Audio

  • 6

    Cameo 6 - Letting Him Take Charge of Minutiae

    • Cameo 6 - Letting Him Take Charge of Minutiae. Audio

  • 7

    Cameo 7 - An Experience of Revelation

    • Cameo 7 - An Experience of Revelation.

  • 8

    Cameo 8 - The Mother of The Children

    • Cameo 8 The Mother of The Children. Audio

  • 9

    Cameo 9 - Mrs. Albert, Miracle Worker

    • Cameo 9 - Mrs. Albert, Miracle Worker . PDF

    • Cameo 9 - Mrs. Albert, Miracle Worker . Audio

  • 10

    Cameo 10 - "Under Instruction"

    • Cameo 10 “Under Instruction” Audio

    • Cameo 10 - "Under Instruction" . PDF

  • 11

    Cameo 11- The Notes on Sex

    • Cameo 11 - The Notes on Sex . PDF

    • Cameo 11 The Notes on Sex. Audio

  • 12

    CAMEO 12 “Defenses Are Now Being Used Much Better”

    • CAMEO 12 “Defenses Are Now Being Used Much Better” Audio

    • CAMEO 12 “Defenses Are Now Being Used Much Better” PDF

  • 13

    Cameo 13 God Created Time?

    • Cameo 13 God Created Time? Audio

    • Cameo 13 God Created Time? PDF

  • 14

    Cameo 14 The Chain of Miscreation

    • Cameo 14 The Chain of Miscreation. Audio

    • Cameo 14 The Chain of Miscreation. PDF

  • 15

    Cameo 15 Edgar Casey

    • Cameo 15 Edgar Casey. Audio

    • Cameo 15 Edgar Casey PDF

  • 16

    Cameo 16, Helen's Extra Mile

    • Cameo 16 - Helen's Extra Mile. Audio

    • Cameo 16, Helen's Extra Mile. PDF

  • 17

    Cameo 17 Bill's Class

    • Cameo 17 - Bill's Class. Audio

    • Cameo 17 Bill's Class. PDF

  • 18

    CAMEO 18 Meditation and Guidance

    • CAMEO 18 Meditation and Guidance. Audio

    • CAMEO 18 Meditation and Guidance. PDF

  • 19

    CAMEO 19 The Editing of the Notes

    • Cameo 19 The Editing of The Notes. Audio

    • CAMEO 19 The Editing of the Notes. PDF

  • 20

    CAMEO 20 The Undivided Mind

    • CAMEO 20 The Undivided Mind. Audio

    • CAMEO 20 The Undivided Mind. PDF

  • 21

    CAMEO 21 “You Do Not Realize How Much You Hate Each Other”

    • CAMEO 21 “You Do Not Realize How Much You Hate Each Other” Audio

    • CAMEO 21 “You Do Not Realize How Much You Hate Each Other” PDF

  • 22

    CAMEO 22 “The Return of His Will”

    • CAMEO 22 “The Return of His Will” Audio

    • CAMEO 22 “The Return of His Will” Audio

  • 23

    CAMEO 23 “The Savage Problem of Personal Rejection”

    • CAMEO 23 “The Savage Problem of Personal Rejection” Audio

    • CAMEO 23 “The Savage Problem of Personal Rejection” PDF

  • 24

    CAMEO 24 Mike

    • CAMEO 24 Mike. Audio

    • CAMEO 24 Mike. PDF

  • 25

    CAMEO 25 The Course’s Version of the Lord’s Prayer

    • CAMEO 25 The Course’s Version of the Lord’s Prayer, Audio

    • CAMEO 25 The Course’s Version of the Lord’s Prayer. PDF

  • 26

    CAMEO 26 Helen and Bill’s Holy Relationship

    • CAMEO 26 Helen and Bill’s Holy Relationship. Audio

    • CAMEO 26 Helen and Bill’s Holy Relationship. PDF

  • 27

    CAMEO 27 “I Need Do Nothing”

    • CAMEO 27 “I Need Do Nothing” Audio

    • CAMEO 27 “I Need Do Nothing” PDF

  • 28

    CAMEO 28 The Blue-Gray Bird

    • CAMEO 28 The Blue-Gray Bird. Audio

    • CAMEO 28 The Blue-Gray Bird. PDF

  • 29

    CAMEO 29 Iambic Pentameter

    • CAMEO 29 Iambic Pentameter. Audio

  • 30

    CAMEO 30 “As You See Him You Will See Yourself”

    • Cameo 30 “As You See Him You Will See Yourself” Audio